About Us
About International Mold Steel
Located in Hebron KY, our 58,000 square foot facility is centrally situated to ship our North American and global customers.
We offer more than raw materials — we provide solutions to all of your molding challenges. No steel company knows more about steel selection, machining, texturing, polishing, welding or mold coatings, than International Mold Steel, just ask our customers.
We have hundreds of innovative mold & die solutions, many of which were developed for a host of Fortune 500 companies including: General Motors, FORD, Apple Computer, Titleist, DELL, Boeing, General Electric, and Motorola, to name a few.
We now support customers in North America, South America, Europe and Asia on a variety of diverse projects. We have a technical staff of over 35 employees and a worldwide support and sales division of over 200 representatives.
Our ability to support you globally is due to our strategic alliances with literally, the best mold steel company in the business.

Our mission is to provide the most technologically advanced line of pre-hardened mold and cold work die steels to reduce time to market, mold construction, and downstream maintenance costs.
Global Partners
A company is only as good as the sum of its partners. With Daido and Okaya at our side, you get the industry’s most advanced high-performance steels. You also get powerful technical expertise, custom solutions, and a dedicated support team.
It’s not just about the complete portfolio of products we offer, it’s about providing the complete mold & die solutions your company needs.
We work side-by-side with the business’s largest and most experienced manufacturing resources. As a result, we have the experience and expertise to help you develop different markets and processes. Our reputation has stood the test of time.
A history of innovations:
- Self-venting mold steels
- Dramatic reductions in customers’ time to market with new products
- First to offer these materials in the USA
We lead in our global businesses so that you can lead in yours.

The history of OKAYA & Co., Ltd., dates back more than 350 years to 1669 when Okaya-Sousuke started as a dealer in hardware. This company, with annual sales of $9 billion, has grown steadily from handling a wide range of industrial goods, including:
- iron
- steel
- special steel
- non-ferrous metals
- chemical materials and products
- machinery tools
- and electrical devices
Fully utilizing its worldwide business network, Okaya fulfills its tasks by acting quickly and developing new markets. Most recently, they have introduced new developments with new metals, materials, engineering plastics, computers, materials, and parts used in electronics, aircraft components, and equipment for lasers.
Okaya Web Site:
Offices and subsidiaries: (see Contact Us page)
Japan, USA, Germany, Singapore, Thailand, Hong Kong, South Korea, Indonesia, Myanmar, China, Australia, and others.
International Mold Steel has partnered with this long-standing enterprising firm since 1993.

Founded in 1912, Daido Steel Co. now has over 5,911 employees worldwide. They lead in:
- specialized steels
- forgings
- castings
- strip steel
- machinery and equipment
- machinery parts for automotive
- magnetic products for communication and electric
- machinery
- allow steel powder for electronic parts
- precision castings for electric and communications
- equipment parts
- as well as daily commodities.
Daido Steel Web Site:
Japan, USA, Indonesia, Singapore, Taiwan R.O.C., Thailand, Hong Kong.
As the world’s largest specialty steel mill with unsurpassed quality, International Mold Steel is proud to have partnered with this international leader since 1991.

International Mold Steel has technical staff of over 35 employees and a worldwide support and sales division of over 200 representatives.
Talk to an Expert
International Mold Steel (IMS) offers a wide range of high-quality steel products. Our team of experts have extensive experience in the steel industry and deep understanding of the properties of various types of steel and the unique requirements of different projects.
Consult an expert to identify the right type of steel for your project based on the intended use, production process, required strength, and budget. IMS specialty steel grades ensure the best possible quality for your job.